07:30 PM
(RAINOUT!) 09:00 PM
Dalhousie Tigers
(RAINOUT!) 09:00 PM
18+ Castaways
Saint Mary's Huskies
07:00 PM
Eastern Shore
09:00 PM
Bad Apples
09:00 PM
18+ Washups
18+ Castaways
09:30 PM
18+ ECR
07:30 PM
09:00 PM
RNS 18+
10:40 AM
NB 18+
UPEI Panthers

Atlantics Rules

2024 Atlantic Ringette Championships
February 16-18, 2024
Official Tournament Rules

The rules set forth in Ringette Canada Official Rules and Case Book 2019-2023 will apply, unless modified by these Official Tournament Rules.

Operational Procedures

All games will be played at the HRM 4Pad, RBC Centre or the Civic Arena.

The tournament operations office will be located in the Multi-Purpose Room at HRM 4Pad, 2nd Floor. Satellite offices will be in operation at RBC Centre and Civic Arena for the duration of games at those facilities.

No additional players can be added to a team’s roster after Friday, February 2, 2024. The Tournament Committee may review exceptions on an individual basis.

Game sheets are to be verified and signed by all bench staff members at least 20 minutes before the start of each game at the tournament operations office in each respective rink.

Before your first game, teams will verify the phone number the host has on file is the most appropriate number to use throughout the tournament for contacting your team. Teams must declare goaltenders (G), captains (C), alternate captains (A). Teams must also declare affiliate players (AP) / affiliate goalies (AG) on the game sheet if any are being used for that game. It is the responsibility of the team to ensure that the Tournament affiliated player rules are followed and that the affiliates have been properly declared on their team roster by the applicable date.

While verifying game sheets, the home team will identify their jersey color followed by the visiting team. If the jerseys are close to the same color as determined by the officials, the visiting team will be required to change. If there is a conflict and only one of the teams has two sets of jerseys, the team with the two sets will be required to change regardless of whether they are the home or visiting team.

Change room keys will be distributed from the tournament operations office. The team must provide another set of keys to sign out a change room key. Teams are asked to keep the change rooms clean. If the team occupying the room left it in a bad state, please let the tournament operations office know.

The Atlantic Ringette Tournament Committee is not responsible for any articles lost or left behind in the change rooms.

The team acknowledges that the tournament rules have been read and understood.

Game Play

All U14 games will be two fifteen (15) minute stop time halves

U16A and U19A games will be two seventeen (17) minute stop time halves.

U16AA, U19AA and 18+ games will be four ten (10) minute stop time periods.

Teams must be ready to go on the ice fifteen (15) minutes before their scheduled game time if the championships are running ahead of schedule. The first games each day will not start early.

A three (3) minute warm up will commence when at least one of the officials have entered the ice surface. Please wait for Zamboni doors to close before entering the ice surface.
Applicable to all games at HRM 4Pad, first aid services will be provided by St John Ambulance. At RBC Centre and Civic Arena, coaches & managers are responsible for providing their own first aid services.

No overtime will be played in the preliminary round.

In the event of a seven (7) goal spread in the second half of any game, the clock will go to straight running time. If the spread becomes less than seven goals, the clock will operate on stop time again as per normal play.

No game protests will be accepted. All on-ice decisions and applications of the playing rules will be final. Player eligibility grievances and defaults will be determined by the 2024 Atlantic Ringette Championships Appeals Committee, whose ruling will be final.

Ringette NS will uphold all suspensions, sanctions or disciplinary actions in ringette across international, national and provincial governing bodies.

Preliminary Format, Playoff Round and Breaking of Ties

The U14AA division pool will consist of 4 teams with all teams playing 3 preliminary round games. After completion of all round robin games, teams will be seeded 1-4. Teams seeded 1-4 will play in semi-finals (Seed 1 vs Seed 4, Seed 2 vs Seed 3) with winners advancing to the finals.

The U14A division pool will consist of 5 teams with all teams playing 4 preliminary round games. After completion of all round robin games, teams will be seeded 1-5. The number 1 seeded team will proceed directly to the final. Teams seeded 2 and 3 will play in semi-finals, with the winner advancing to the finals.

The U16A division, U16AA and U19A divisions each consist of 3 teams in one pool with all teams playing 4 preliminary round games. After completion of all round robin games, the teams finishing in first and second place in each division will advance to the final.

U19AA/18+ division consists of 6 teams in one pool. After completion of all preliminary round games, teams will be seeded 1-6. Teams seeded 1-4 will play in semi-finals (Seed 1 vs Seed 4, Seed 2 vs Seed 3) with winners advancing to the finals. Teams seeded 5 & 6 will play a placing game.

Standings at the end of preliminary games will be determined by awarding two points for a win, one point for a tie and zero points for a loss.

The breaking of ties for standings in all divisions will follow the format as outlined in the Ringette Canada Official Rules and Case Book 2019-2023. The procedure will be followed in sequence until a tie is broken, i.e. one team is eliminated from the tie, and then it reverts back to the first step and so forth. In most cases this procedure will declare the highest team, but in some cases it may declare the lowest team and that team shall be dropped and then start over. In ALL cases the maximum difference between goals for and goals against in each game is seven (7) goals.

In the case of a tie after regulation time in semi-final and final games, U14A and U14AA teams will play a 5-minute sudden victory overtime period; U16, U19 and 18+ teams will play a 10-minute sudden victory overtime period. If the score is still tied at the end of that time, teams will proceed to a 3-player shootout. If after the 3 shooters the score remains tied, the shoot-out will continue one-for-one until one team has more goals after an equal number of shots, with each team required to utilize their entire roster (except goaltenders) before starting over.

Penalties assessed in regulation time shall carry-over to the overtime period. Possession of the ring will be determined by a coin toss.

Penalties do not carry over into the shoot-out.

In the case of a tie after regulation time in any placing game, teams will go directly to a 3-player shoot-out. If after the three shooters the score remains tied, the shoot-out will continue until one team has more goals after an equal number of shots, with each team required to utilize their entire roster (except goaltenders) before starting over.
If at any time during the shootout the referee determines there is no more time left on the ice contract and no winner has been determined, a coin toss will determine the winner.

Game Results

All results will be posted online through our RAMP tournament website, as well as on standings boards located near the tournament operations office on the second floor of HRM 4PAD.



Good sportsmanship is appreciated, celebrated and expected at the 2024 Atlantic Ringette Championships.

A MISCONDUCT penalty will result in suspension from the next tournament game for players. A MISCONDUCT penalty will result in suspension from the next tournament game for coaches. If two misconduct penalties are assessed against a player or team staff, they will be suspended from any further participation in the tournament.

A MATCH penalty will automatically result in suspension from all subsequent tournament games.

Suspended players/team staff must be listed on the game sheet and identified as “suspended,” but will not be permitted on the bench during any subsequent games.

There is a zero-tolerance rule in effect for verbal and physical abuse. Any member of a team, players or staff, as well as their spectators will be asked to leave the arena if they are verbally or physically abusive to another person (officials, players, team staff or spectators). Players and coaches will be assessed the appropriate penalties, and the Tournament Chair has the right to ask any participant, including spectators, to leave the arena should they be abusive towards another person. When there are cases of verbal or physical abuse reported, the Tournament Chair, at their sole discretion, may impose further tournament game suspensions as appropriate.

Injured Players

Any injured player under the age of 14 must wear a helmet while on the bench.  

All injured players must be clearly marked on the roster as INJ. 

Injured players are not required to be dressed in uniform while on the bench. 

Player safety is to be stressed at all times, RNS recommends that a team takes all precautions to ensure that the injured player who is on the bench, is as safe as possible. 

Rink Addresses

• HRM 4Pad, 61 Gary Martin Drive, Bedford
• RBC Centre, 259 Commodore Drive, Dartmouth
• Civic Arena, 2901 Windsor Street, Halifax

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